Church interior design blog

Signage Strategies For Your Church: A Practical Guide
Interiors, Signage Jillian Lawson Interiors, Signage Jillian Lawson

Signage Strategies For Your Church: A Practical Guide

Signage is an often-overlooked but crucial aspect of church design. Signs can have one of the most considerable positive effects on both the aesthetics of your building and its friendliness to visitors. In this blog I’m sharing the four different types of signage, as well as some “signage sins” to avoid for the maximum positive impact!

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Church Interior Design That Encourages Connection
Interiors Cassie Morain Interiors Cassie Morain

Church Interior Design That Encourages Connection

How do we create spaces that encourage connection and relationships? This is an important factor in post-pandemic interior design, which every church should seriously consider when designing their church lobby (or any common area). There are three things I think churches should keep in mind as they create these spaces.

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Make Your First Impression Count!
Interiors Cassie Morain Interiors Cassie Morain

Make Your First Impression Count!

Studies show that you have seven minutes to make an impression when someone comes by your church. Does the state of your building matter? Does how your space looks impact a first-time visitor’s experience? When you take an intentionally-designed, attractive space and then add the people of God who contain the life-giving hope of Jesus to it, that’s attractional! That sounds like a place I want to be.

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What Are Your Church Interiors Communicating?
Interiors Cassie Morain Interiors Cassie Morain

What Are Your Church Interiors Communicating?

Our church environment can be a tool that invites people into the family of God. The definition of the word environment is “the setting or conditions in which a particular activity is carried on, i.e. a good learning environment.”  Well-planned surroundings can create the right conditions for the seeds of the gospel to be planted and take root in people’s hearts.   

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Does Church Interior Design Matter?
Interiors Cassie Morain Interiors Cassie Morain

Does Church Interior Design Matter?

Does church interior design matter? This is a really valid question! Aren’t Christians supposed to be nonjudgemental? Aren’t they supposed to look past the surface? Well, yes! Christians are supposed to be Christlike. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” As much as this scripture shows us about the nature of God, that He looks on our heart and sees beyond the outer layers, it also is very telling about the nature of humans. We are inclined to look at the outside. This is a simple truth about all of us. Apart from Jesus, we look at the surface and make decisions based on what we see.

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